
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Talking to my Mom on the phone about her Facebook "friends".

Mom - I was on Facebook and someone wrote something about his banana and eating it. I think there's some hidden message there.

Me - (silence)

Mom - What do you think he meant?

Me - (silence)

Mom - There is definitely a hidden message... I should delete him... but then that wouldn't be polite.

Me - (silence)

Mom - Maybe it was a joke? ... and people don't understand the joke because he has a different sense of humor.

Me - (silence)

Mom - Oh!  I saw that cute picture of my grandbaby that you put up over the weekend.  She's so sweet...

Like a child hiding under the bed... I sit quietly until the scary subject just goes away.


  1. Hahahaha... I'm almost in tears I'm laughing so hard at this. I wish my mom was as cool as yours! That's so funny!

  2. That is funny.

    Tell her to delete the jerk!

  3. OK this one super funny DELETE mom

  4. I meant delete the jerk mom not delete
