
Thursday, September 15, 2011

They Don't Call Me "Working from Home" for Nothing

My job lets me work from home when I need to.  It's not as sexy as it sounds.  I do more work at home than I do in my cubicle.  It's the Chitlin's fault.  Entertaining her and trying to work is exhausting.  I tried sitting her in front of the TV and it turned her into a little zombie.

It only lasted for 5 minutes so I only felt really guilty for about 2.


  1. Hey sweets sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I am so guilty of this not even funny. Now she is all about the Ipad. At least they have educational apps. :0)

  2. When I have to get stuff done - I get her one of books/crayons - playdoh - paint - jigsaw puzzle and tell her that mummy needs to work and I need you to do your work too, just like mummy. Works a treat for at least half an hour. Good luck! Kat :-)

  3. Ciao Mama - You say it has educational apps? Hmmm...I can convince myself to not feel guilty if it has educational purposes. Lol.

    Thanks for the ideas Kat! I do the same thing when I feed her veggies - give her many options and hope she eats at least one. Haha :)

  4. You're amazing! I sure wish I could work from home :)

  5. I'm guilty of that when I have a lot of work to get done and I need it quiet. Its usually VeggieTales, but I still feel bad after the whole hour they sat there watching! New follower from vB!

  6. I know a lot of Moms say the tv shouldn't be the babysitter, but there are times when I'm so grateful for good programs that keep my kids entertained and learning so I can get other things done!

    Visiting from voiceBoks
    Thanks, Becky Jane

  7. Ugh, I hate working from home. I never get anything done! As in now... trying to get some stuff caught up and there is a 3 year old on my lap pushing keyboard buttons!!!

    I am a new follower!
